About Quakers
Quakers, also know as Friends, are part of the Religious Society of Friends which is a theologically diverse worshipping group, originally rooted in Christianity.
Quakers have no binding creed – we simply share deep convictions about the meaning and purposes of life, and share some fundamental truths. We may use the word God but also recognise that some may prefer other words to describe their spiritual experience.
Quakers believe that there is something of God within each person which we are called to respect and respond to, and that divine guidance is open to us all as we are all equal before God. We try to be truthful, to live simply, to share with others, and to work for peace with justice in whatever ways are open to us. This leads to our testimonies of equality, truth and integrity, peace and justice, simplicity and sustainability. These testimonies are practical expressions of our inner convictions.
Meeting for Worship
Meeting for Worship is central to the life of our community. We recognise that our distinctive Quaker way of worship, based on quiet waiting upon God, is the setting in which we seek the inspiration that can lead us to use our strengths in positive and practical forms of service in our daily lives.
Meeting for Worship usually takes place on a Sunday morning and lasts for an hour, often followed by a time with refreshments and an opportunity to chat. Some local meetings also hold weekday or evening Meetings for Worship – see the entries for each Local Meeting to find out more. You are very welcome to join us!
Quaker Faith & Practice
Quakers have a book called Quaker Faith & Practice which is an attempt to express Truth through the vital personal and corporate experience of Friends. It is composed of writings and extracts by many different people over the span of several hundred years, and expresses the breadth of Quaker theology. It also describes the current structures of Britain Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (the longer name for the official body of Quakers in Britain). You will find a full version of Quaker Faith & Practice here: